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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

See It, Feel It, Hear It
With recent improvements in graphic cards and in powerful Linux-based PC clusters, virtual 3D prototypes are rapidly replacing actual physical prototypes in a wide range of industries, including early adopters such as aerospace or car companies. But now, software designers are also incorporating sound and tactile feedbacks to their Virtual Reality (VR) systems for real product development.

In this long article, Desktop Engineering gives several examples of these new VR developments. But even if PC clusters and off-the-shelf graphic cards are cheap, a state-of-the-art VR facility such as an immersive CAVE can still cost more than one million dollars, because you need to build the viewing facility and buy expensive projection systems.

However, costs are still decreasing and virtual prototyping is reaching the mainstream stage. This overview contains selected excerpts and comments.
:: posted by Roland Piquepaille, 2:50 PM Comments (0)
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