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Sunday, May 01, 2005

With RealReflect, Virtual Reality Looks More Real
Virtual reality (VR) modeling has been used for years in various industries, including the automotive sector. But most of the applications were neglecting the effects of lightning. In "Getting the Feel of Virtual Reality," IST Results, a EU organization, says that RealReflect, a project started in 2002 at several European universities, is about to change this.

It uses "a new image acquisition technique known as Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) that captures the look and feel of different materials." The system handles both lighting and viewing direction and can acquire and render very subtle textures in VR environments. With previous VR modeling applications, you could see the results as believable. But, according to the researchers, with RealReflect, you think the model is real.

The system has been targeted for the automotive industry, but could be used for other applications, such as architecture design or computer games. This overview contains other details, pictures and references.
:: posted by Roland Piquepaille, 8:26 AM Comments (0)
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