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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Digital Hospital
BusinessWeek's cover story looks at the future of health care from a business point of view. And the magazine tries to answer at how high-tech can save lives and money. For BusinessWeek, 'productivity' in health-care declined during the 1990s, but is starting to rebound, partially because of a massive investment of about $30 billion in information technology in 2005 alone by U.S. hospitals.

Not only this is saving money by better managing patients and reducing the length of their stays in hospitals, this investment is also saving lives. Lots of them! It is estimated that "hospital errors result in up to 98,000 deaths annually," including 7,000 just by missing drug-interaction problems. Amazing numbers, isn't?

For more information, please read the whole report, preferably the print edition because it will bring some money to BusinessWeek, which will be able to do more of these reports in the future. On the other hand, the online version has some extra articles, so read both. Or you can simply read this summary which gives more details about Mr. Rounder, a robot used by 35 U.S. hospitals.
:: posted by Roland Piquepaille, 8:36 AM Comments (0)
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