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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Building a Supercluster to Fight SARS
Yuan-Ping Pang is not your average chemist. At Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, he designed and built a supercluster composed of 800 Xeon processors. With this computing power at his disposal, he modeled the SARS viral enzyme. "Pang analyzed the SARS viral genome and built, atom by atom, the instantaneous 3D structures of the viral enzyme -- each of which is composed of 8,113 atoms -- just 20 days after the SARS viral genome was made public."

The next step is to find anti-SARS drugs to prevent SARS and to cure SARS patients. For this, he will need even more power. But as he says, "in 2002, we developed the computing technology that performs 1.1 trillion floating point operations per second. Now, we are working on new technologies that will give 1000x improvement and more ..."

You'll find more details and pictures in this overview, including a close-up view of the SARS viral enzyme.
:: posted by Roland Piquepaille, 2:05 PM Comments (0)
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