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Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Hacker Mitnick testifies in Vegas
Kevin Mitnick, one of the most famous/notorious hackers of our time, testified in Las Vegas at the trial of an adult entertainment provider, Eddie Munoz. The actual defender feels like Sprint of Nevada, though. Munoz holds that his phone setup, hosted by Sprint, was hacked; Sprint denies the claim, arguing that their network remained secure during the time in question. Mitnick is a sort of star witness, stating that he had hacked his way through the Sprint Nevada system, accumulating a series of stellar privileges.

My favorite exchange:

"The only way I know that this is a Nortel document is to take you [Mitnick] at your word, correct?," asked Riley. "How do we know that you're not social engineering us now?"

(Thanks, Jesse)
:: posted by Bryan, 11:54 AM |

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