Kevin Asher
art from the machine

I dont know where it all really started. I can
give a date and time frame but thats not really where it started.
Its always been there just past my peripheral vision, lurking, trying to
get out.
I grew up in the burbs around metro Detroit. Most of my
family worked as factory grunts. There was a deep pervasive sense of
the factory everywhere. Every afternoon the local steel mill
fired up a new furnace and it shook the house. If you stopped believing for one
moment you were in a nice quiet neighborhood you only needed to look past our
trees of suburbia to see the smoke stacks of the chemical factories and steel
I think this is where it comes from. The familiarity with my
material, the strong sense of industry, the flow of line and shape. It all
comes from such a life draining thing as the factory. Its origin is so
deep that it becomes instinctual.


Ive tried writing and other venues of expression
but always kept second guessing myself. I would keep myself in check. Never
realizing that I was inhibiting the process of art. Now that Ive stumbled
onto this sculpting (vs. clay or other 3D things Ive done) I just
cant stop. I never think about it. I know now that would kill it. I just
go out to the lab and begin. I do set goals and guidelines like: today I will
make a chair. But thats all. I let the scrap do the rest. I find a piece
of something and think immediately that this is a chair back, or a table leg. I
just know it. From that point on I build around that one piece. The rest always
takes care of itself.
Continued -->
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Kevin Asher is a
freelance graphic artist from mid-Michigan. In the last year his sculptures
have received acclaim in several gallery competitions in the mid-Michigan area.
Currently his work is on display at BC Beans in Wyandotte Michigan. In February
he will be in Philidelphia at the Niche Design Convention, where he is a
finalist in their annual design and style awards.
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